

All views are my own and are not swayed in the slightest by the amount of onscreen nudity.

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • 300
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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  • The Menu


  • Speak No Evil


  • Beyond Utopia


  • Hit Man


Recent reviews

  • The Menu

    The Menu


    That cheeseburger was worth the wait if i’m being totally honest.

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil


    Ironically this movie left me lost for words. Yet another McAvoy masterclass took me through a whirlwind of emotions. I have never felt so physically awkward and uneasy watching a movie from an actors performance.

    He managed to ooze charisma until the time was right and then really let the brakes off to display his ridiculous range from charming lovable rogue to unhinged psychopath within minutes.

    The easter egg ft the danish family was a subtle touch I liked paying homage to the original.

    It is rare you get to say this but the remake tops the original in this case.

Popular reviews

  • Longlegs



    After waiting a while to watch this it had me hooked from the start. From the second the intro rolled right through every twist and turn I was asking myself “what the hell comes next?!” Maika Monroe put on what I can only describe as a psych thriller masterclass as far as protagonists go. 

    But then came the ending. *sigh* After all the buildup, it just didn’t land for me. It felt a bit flat and left me more annoyed…

  • The Union

    The Union


    At this point im convinced Halle Berry is a vampire because she doesn’t age and no human would believe that hair style is acceptable in 2024. 

    As for the movie sort of like Mission Impossible but less serious, no Tom Cruise and not very good.
