Icy Mike

Icy Mike

caution is no virtue for the young

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Drugstore Cowboy
  • Son of the White Mare

Recent activity

  • Celtic Pride


  • Antz


  • Cash Out


  • Bad Day at Black Rock


Recent reviews

  • Celtic Pride

    Celtic Pride


    Bill Simmons and Joe House did this in college

  • Antz



    It’s so funny that the Stallone ant is the tallest ant

Popular reviews

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


    The film equivalent of a nerds rope. It’s hard to complain with animation this stylish, but I’m just tired of reference humor. Jesus rose back in April, so I don’t understand all the easter eggs. With the complete dissolution of the 4th wall, I’m left behind the 5th like Ice-T in SVU glaring through one-way glass into the interrogation room. But instead of glowering down at some humdrumming sex pest, I’m observing a theater full of adults, dressed like children,…

  • Knowing



    Delightfully stupid doomsday thriller where widower-himbo MIT professor & Ford F-150 owner Nic Cage uses numerology to try and stop God from committing terrorist attacks. A melding of evangelical rapture paranoia & post 9/11 anxieties // Final Destination man vs fate conflict & Roland Emmerich wide scale disaster porn. Shares a spiritual ethos with the Alex Jones type NWO crunchy Jesus freaks that have consumed so much conspiracy brain-rot content, that they have the TikTok scary music permanently ringing in their ears like…