

On letterboxd because I appreciate filmmaking.

Favorite films

  • In the Mood for Love
  • The Red Shoes
  • A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
  • Exterior Night

Recent activity

  • Hulk

  • In the Mood for Love

  • Lady Macbeth

  • Nosferatu

Recent reviews

  • Withnail & I

    Withnail & I

    Just one of them has the opportunity of becoming successful until the "most beautiful decade" is over, dragging everything behind and forcing both to restart again, as if things weren't already dramatic enough. it's a good end-of-the-year movie about friendship and resentment, and somehow left me with a feeling similar to wearing wet clothings.

  • The Adventures of Gigi the Law

    The Adventures of Gigi the Law

    "ma in questo momento sto raccogliendo tutti gli ingredienti per fare un'ottima cenetta stasera"

    "che bello, cosa hai preso?"

    "ho preso due farfalle, un po' di vento, una viola, una margherita e una rosa."

    l'ho amato, grande gigi

Popular reviews

  • The Killer

    The Killer

    this is what sleep deprivation does to a mf

  • Society of the Snow

    Society of the Snow

    the infamous plane crash is the most nightmare‐inducing event i have ever read about when i was 15 on wikipedia, and seeing this not only transposed cinematically but also in a extremely vivid and realistic way made my stomach turn. however. apart from the impact that this scene offers (like some final destination rip-off) i don't think the movie tells more than what Alive already told in the 90s. Like Alive though, this left me with a feeling of something…