Analyzing films through a spiritual lens 👁️🎞️
“My films are not a personal expression, but a prayer” - Andrei Tarkovsky
LOVED how we the audience were seeing this story fold out through the perspective of one who did not speak up for injustice. It poses the question, “what would we do?”
Exquisite cinematography, trance like acting from Lily Rose and Skarskgard, amazing atmosphere and tension. From a biblical perspective, I saw a lot of parallels to the relationship of the devil and our flesh. Count Orlock (a type of the devil), amplifies the desire of the flesh (Ellen). The thrill and excitement ensnares you. It feels good…for a while. But you know deep down it’s going to be your demise.
Overall I had a great cinema experience, but something felt…lacking. I just can’t put my finger on it. Will be watching again to really digest what it was.