

for falling in love too hard you'll never set foot in this town again

Favorite films

  • It Follows
  • Parasite
  • A Silent Voice: The Movie
  • American Psycho

Recent activity

  • The Hate U Give


  • The Eyes of My Mother


  • Guinea Pig Part 5: Android of Notre Dame

  • Would You Rather


Recent reviews

  • The Hate U Give

    The Hate U Give


    it's not about the hate you give... it's about 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓿𝓮

    THE BOOK BETTER ANGIE THOMAS SAVE USSS 💔💔💔💔 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓿𝓮

    alsoo ochii actritei care a jucat.o pe starr??? era atat de frumoasa??? marry me bro

  • The Eyes of My Mother

    The Eyes of My Mother


    idk man doar pentru ca un film e black and white si slow paced nu inseamna ca e despre ceva si filmul asta incearca sa fie artistic soo bad dar nu e nimic special despre el. doar uita.te la funny games sau martyrs sau may

    take ts off kanopy 😭😭😭🥀🥀

Popular reviews

  • Grave Encounters 2

    Grave Encounters 2


    nu la fel de rau ca terrifier🥳

    posibil cel mai rau film de groaza la care uitat. filmat HIDOS script tampit acting goofy concept idiot infricosetor?? NUU EFECTIV PT O SECUNDA NU ERAM SPERIATA. fiecare chestie buna din primul a fost mutilata si sfasiata de nu mai poti sa le conectezi pe cele 2 chiar daca tot mentioneaza de 5000 de ori primul film

    sfarsitul a fost funny tho. mi.a placut. gen. ultima milisecunda. a fost silly

  • Final Destination 3

    Final Destination 3


    fs la fel de sau mai bun decat primul . atat de campy si silly si rollercoaster ?? wow . pozele cu 9 11 ? hilar . guy goth care se transforma in school shooter? perfect ! un banger ca de obicei

    abia astept sa ma uit la 4. 😐
