gabi m

gabi m

as vezes assisto alguma coisa.

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • Persona
  • Arabian Nights
  • The Case of the Naves Brothers

Recent activity

  • Triumph of the Will

  • Santa Sangre

  • Vitória

  • Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary

Recent reviews

  • Son of Saul

    Son of Saul


    The way Son of Saul portrays the experience of Auschwitz is astonishing. From the perspective of a Sonderkommando, the film challenges the initial thesis that these individuals were collaborators, a view that, unfortunately, is common in other movies.

    What struck me about the movie was the precise manner in which it exposes how work was managed in the concentration camps. The essential idea, as I gathered from reading both Adorno and Postone, that Nazi paranoia personified Jewish people as the…

  • Pearl


    Mia goth carregando tudo nas costas

Popular reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Frustrante. Se por um lado o filme é visualmente marcante, sobretudo quando visto no cinema, as piadinhas logo viram recursos fáceis que entregam a falta de conteúdo que o filme insinua querer explorar alegoricamente. Há claros déficits de roteiro que são compensados com cenas “engraçadinhas”, e isso acontece durante todo o filme, em todas as transições. Simplesmente cansa. O suspense em cima do cárcere de Bella, por ex, é engolido por uma mudança repentina na postura de God, que passa…

  • Limite



    Sometimes, when we watch an old relic of a movie from the 20s or 30s, we know we must concentrate if we intend to grasp its meaning. Forms of presentation, morality, and technology have changed so much that confronting this otherness can be difficult. That wasnt the case for this one. The narrative totally gripped me.

    It conveys a powerful idea about contemporary experience, something I recently read in Kittsteiner and found tragically precise: the most misleading idea is that its possible to break the chains that bind us to suffering as universal experience
