itusniyanyan itowapi
motion pictures
Reminder to break rules for love. Elevator scene was crazy.
Felt like I was in a storybook. Will watch again many times in future I feel.
Operating a steamroller is a lot more fun than playing violin. I agree, we need more labor unions.
The narrative is decontextualized, so there’s much more freedom in the style and telling of the story - enjoyed it more than City of God, Hotel Rwanda - and I could teach this in my Post-Colonial Literature class. However, I feel movies like this fail to educate, inform, advance, and expand the minds of society, especially young people. I understand the film is not trying to portray a particular reality - rather it’s the visceral, gut wrenching experience, visuals, emotion, but in high school students minds, the film becomes a tall-tale, a and nothing in the movie begs them to question things, or research Nigerian government.