

I love Animated, Drama, Mystery films. Wall E is my all time favourite.
18 y/0

Favorite films

  • WALL·E
  • Mon Oncle
  • Paper Moon
  • The Sting

Recent activity

  • The Illusionist


  • Good Will Hunting


  • Colorful


  • Paper Moon


Recent reviews

  • The Illusionist

    The Illusionist


    How painful and strange it is? Life keeps on moving, whether you want or not, people come to your and departs, it's heartbreaking, the question raises why...
    Just when you meet the right person to spend time with, they leave... and it tears you apart.
    This film beautifully explores how innocence changes when you meet harsh reality. You never turn to look back at yourself, at people who did so much for you. They just move on, and everything that meant once a lot to them, fades away.
    it's depressing but true, that's the way it is.

  • Good Will Hunting

    Good Will Hunting


    Firstly, why is Ben Affleck is so handsome?
    Secondly, Something about this film felt personal, idk, the movie at first seemed a little off the road. But it touched a part of my heart and i can't believe how.
    It's just there are somethings in our hearts which we never disclose. They bother us, I too have experienced... when Shawn said, "He pushes away people before they can..." i felt that, I've done that and maybe that's why the film felt a little personal.

Popular reviews

  • Paper Moon

    Paper Moon


    now this is what i pay for! this is Pikachu great! that's a kind of film i love, absolutely beautiful. one of my favourites now.

  • Mon Oncle

    Mon Oncle


    ah old times, so elegant and beautiful.
    it is really a great film. i believe the real joy isn't in the money you keep but in the company you stay with. see it is not really wealth that brings happiness but yes, good friends, neighbours, people, they do. Love and kindness.
