
IvanCjw Pro

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Stalker
  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • In the Mood for Love

Recent activity

  • The Prosecutor


  • The Last Dance


  • The Brutalist


  • The Fall


Recent reviews

  • The Prosecutor

    The Prosecutor


    I'm sorry but this feels like such a cop out from what the film could have been. Look at A Guilty Conscience back in 2023, which was a way better examination of the flaws existing in the Hong Kong justice system. The Prosecutor is nearly a by the numbers court drama, with a few pieces of action hammered in to woo audiences into watch Donnie throw a few punches. Either go that route, or focus on the story. The antagonists…

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    The artist speaks through his work, he speaks about his life through what he creates.

    László Tóth arrives in America in 1947, onboard a boat swimming with other refugees. Once a celebrated architect back home in Budapast, he is now a foreign refugee in a country that touts itself as a beacon of freedom and hope. Much of that however, proves a surface illusion as he struggles to fit in as a Jew. Opportunity finally beckons though, when Harrison Van…

Popular reviews

  • Making 1899

    Making 1899

    The second series to use the Volume, after being pioneered by the Mandalorian. Probably going to see it being used more after seeing how much realism and immersion it can bring onto a sound stage. Like other 'Making Of' documentaries, it's nice to see the effort put into the craft of 1899, from the set design, to the costumes, to the audio, and the synergy created among the cast and crew. Bo and Jantje said they were more traditional film makers, and you can see how they retain the love of that while embracing new technology.

  • Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl

    Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl


    During the Cultural Revolution, in order to increase the labour needed for agriculture and prevent a revolt by the Red Guards, Mao sent millions of youths to the rural countryside to work. Many were forced to give up their education and youth to take up manual labour under harsh conditions. This was sold with the lie of the countryside being fruitful and plentiful, a far cry from reality.

    It's no surprise that many of such youths went into it naively,…