wow, movies.
Sarah, 27. She/Her. chronic lover of 90s cinema. 🌻
Haven't been able to stop thinking about this one. Soul-stirringly beautiful animation. Those watercolor backgrounds are something luminous. Truly follows the traditional progression of a fairy tale or fable but with a heightened, intuitive understanding of the complex truths and darker undercurrents, especially the deteriorating psychological state of its heroine. The sins of patriarchy. The ending gutted me.
Cameron’s structural ingenuity and heartfelt sincerity coalesce into a timeless amalgamation of Hollywood’s past and future, combining melodramatic splendor with New Age technological advancement. History, romance, disaster; not intellectualized (or always historically accurate) but flawlessly engineered to provoke emotion arising from unimpeachable truths: the injustice of societal classicism; the difference between love and possession; how a life well-lived comes before anything else, including a enormous diamond weighing down your pocket. The result is one of the most endlessly watchable motion…