

Favorite films

  • Shin Godzilla
  • Fist of Legend
  • The Limits of Control
  • Harakiri

Recent activity

  • Three Kings

  • The Hurt Locker

  • The Hurt Locker

  • Budz House

Recent reviews

  • Three Kings

    Three Kings

    nightmarish look into america's id as it grapples with the country's effects on the global political scene

    also this guy wishes he was oliver stone so bad lmao

  • The Hurt Locker

    The Hurt Locker

    it's death. the US needs oil. it brings war to iraq. it's death. EOD bomb disposal unit. staff sergeant thompson is workmanlike. he does his job. the rookie specialist eldridge hesitates. it's death. an IED replaces the good staff sergeant with staff sergeant james. sergeant sanborn is agitated. there is no solace from it. it's death. gird your emotions. hold close your purpose here. you're good. you're doing alright. it's death. all are pulled into its gravity, civilian or combatant,…

Popular reviews

  • The Matrix Reloaded

    The Matrix Reloaded

    what if this movie had a jungle and grime score instead

  • Death Note: The Last Name

    Death Note: The Last Name

    what was that weird green jelly log thing that L was eating honestly looked like he was necking swamp thing lmfao
