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Check Mastapeeces for a more accurate list of my favourite films.
Stumbled into watching this again. I don’t think I had much to say about it the first time - might’ve been too distracted by the novelty of a musical - but I haven’t stopped thinking about this movie since.
Similar to Hannah, it takes the license to set up some funny characters under a loose theme, and just play with them for 90 minutes and let you watch how everything ends up fitting together. Dumb love, young love; meticulously manufactured…
Kitano's tragedies set themselves apart from those I can't stand by not being a total fuggin misery mill the whole way through. It was def rough watching these self-destructive types dig deeper holes for themselves and the promising dudes around them, but there's such a sharp style and tonal balance that made this an engaging ride instead of an excruciating one. So many good laughs and warm moments here but immediately the most grim shit happens and still, neither feels…
I double checked my ledger and this is the first Woody Allen movie I’ve watched where he doesn’t star in some capacity. Even without that familiar neurotic character to fall back on, this picture’s a blast - as sharply written as his best stuff.
Spent the whole film hoping to god there wasn’t some stupid dumbfuck “it was all a dream in a mental hospital on hallucinogenics” kinda game theory twist. Smart enough movie to just make its own rules and have…