My only question the whole time: how is M. Night Shamalan famous.
That would’ve been impressive for a high school kid to make.
I am deep in the trenches of Netflix’s movies on offer. Julia Roberts is a new consideration for celebrity crush.
Watching this made me feel like a 55 year old scrolling through DirectTV, finding some oldie that’s just interesting enough to keep watching, and falling asleep before the end in a recliner.
Creating your own drink and naming it after a woman you met two days ago that you’re in love with is shocking but incredible aura.
“I’m afraid your friend Mathis is actually my friend Mathis.”
I would do heinous things for a Casino Royale spec DBS. Even worse things for the DB5.
Mads Michelson easily top 10 villains of all time.
This makes me appreciate anyone but you.
Poor Zac Efrons new jaw is just abysmal.