King of contrarian hot takes.
IG: @jacobedge.rar
So let me get this straight…mother fucker’s at the bottom of the ocean, without oxygen, for 30 minutes and the first thing he does once he’s on solid land is take a taxi to his fiancé? Not, like, you know, go to a fucking hospital to make sure he wasn’t dead? The company he worked for allowed him to bypass medical treatment?!?!
Urban Outfitters Presents: A quirky, indie teenage love story.
So it's currently midnight and I just finished this.
I'm honestly kinda scared to leave my bedroom and go down the hall to my bathroom. This is the first movie to actually have me scared in a very, very long time.
Is it cheesy? Yes.
It is real? Who knows? Probably not.
Is it effective? 100%
Follows the recent trend of horror documentaries (Rats, The Nightmare) where there's a bit of dramatic reenactments. You have Zak going full Zak in…