"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man."
Still figuring it out
Me gustó mucho. No había oído a esta historia antes pero es literalmente increíble.
Buen duración y ritmo también. Algunos documentales se estiran la historia demasiado, particularmente cerca el final, pero este no lo hace.
Ce film pourrait être le film le plus adorable et gentil de tous les temps. J'adore Céline Sciamma. Elle est une réalisatrice et écrivaine formidable. Elle exprime des émotions et des sentiments tout en nuances, dans une mélange autant mélancolique que gentille, en utilisant peu de mots pour exprimer tellement. Un chef-d'œuvre.
J'aime bcp la fin
Les film courts <3
J'ai pleuré dans un certain moment, je crois, mais j'ai oublié complètement dans quel instant. Possiblement quand elles regardent…
Alright. Was fun watching it with all the filmmakers behind it and in Brighton with a largely gay crowd as well. Because of its subject matter and perspective, the film's very existence makes me happy, but objectively I wasn't that impressed. Was too high-school gossipy melodramatic for me.
Technically, some of the camera work was very nice. On the flip side though, I feel like the score was overplayed / clashing in places (except that xmas song which was banging)…
The first third is the funnest time I've had in the cinema in a long while. The 2nd half is more exposition-y and less entertaining imo, and I wasn't overly satisfied with the conclusion, but the start was just so fucking strong that I can't discredit it as a whole too much.
A sad personal memory popped into my head half way through and so this may have impacted my enjoyment of the 2nd half. I'll definitely rewatch when it's…