i want to fuck cinema
hater of all movies
FILM DAY 39 - suggested by finkle
“hold me”
“i can’t”
dude what ☹️
FILM DAY 12 - suggested by youacclem🎉
dune succeeds at amazing visuals and designs that have me glued to the screen.
dune doesn’t succeed at creating a story to get attached to the characters
dune gives me just enough world building but not enough for me to really understand the world.
knowing this, i will probably resort to the books to get my sci-fi fix!
rada jude as a director is already so polarising to me. i think he has the ability to make me reflect and conjure up thoughts i have never thunked before. his style so far has been quite out there, very unique. i just feel in this film he didn’t end the film with the maturity it deserved.