fun, dumb, over the top and bloated with enough dialogue that you can refill your soda or go to the bathroom without missing anything important.
movies are back baby!
I can’t believe I missed this when it came out cus I was hollering from start to finish.
I don’t know if a series has made me so uncomfortable and yet left me so completely compelled to know what happens next.
Stone, Fielder and Safdie deserve more praise than I think the show will ever get. Stone and Safdie disappear into their role and Nathan accesses something in himself I never knew he had.
I kinda miss when the big event we lead up to in a movie isn’t the end of the world. This movie is just fun, the whole things keeps you on the edge of your toes every second.
Also we need to talk about what we called “men’s haircuts” in the 90s….