
James Pro

Favorite films

  • The Godfather
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • Almost Famous
  • The Wild Bunch

Recent activity

  • Utama


  • The Long Day Closes


  • Toy Story 2


  • Red Rooms


Recent reviews

  • Red Rooms

    Red Rooms


    For most of the first 10 minutes, Red Room unfolds almost in real time. We find ourselves in a courtroom, where the judge introduces a high-profile multiple murder case that has captured the nation’s attention. The prosecution and defence present their opening statements, and the viewer, taking the place of the jury, are privy to the gruesome details of the case. These facts are unimaginably horrific.

    We are then introduced to two women, Kelly-Anne and Clementine, who both attend court…

  • Official Competition

    Official Competition


    Very funny film satire staring three actors on top form. Penelope Cruz plays the Palme d’Or-winning auteur bringing together two very different actors (Antonio Banderas and Oscar Martínez) to make a film, funded by a pharmaceutical billionaire who is worried about his legacy. Most of film takes place during rehearsal, with the two actors disliking each other instantly and their director using various methods to bring out the performances she needed. Banderas has never been funnier, and looks like he’s enjoying every minute as the egotistical movie star, while Cruz is as captivating as ever. Really enjoyed this.

Popular reviews

  • The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

    The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada


    Tommy Lee Jones’ first, and so far only venture into the director’s chair is the work of filmmaking maturity. Perfect pacing and beautiful location shooting, capturing Texas in all its sundrenched glory and despair, Three Burials is a modern western, a story of loneliness, revenge, redemption, and friendship. After Estrada (Julio Cedillo) is accidently shot dead by a Border Controlman, his friend, a modern cowboy played by Lee Jones captures his killer and forces him on a bizarre trek by…

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

    The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


    New Zealand director Andrew Dominik’s take on one of the most famous legends of the west is a stunning, haunting and poetic take on one of the renowned myths of the era. Brad Pitt has rarely been better than he is here as the leader of the James gang, but it is Casey Affleck’s career making portrayal of the titular coward that is most memorable. Lingering looks, underlying homoeroticism, admiration bordering on obsession, it is a magnificent, tragic performance that…