

Favorite films

  • West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty
  • 35 Shots of Rum
  • Women Without Men
  • Howl's Moving Castle

Recent activity

  • Conakry

  • Memoria

  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

  • Ashes

Recent reviews

  • Bionico's Bachata

    Bionico's Bachata



  • The New Man

    The New Man


    If I had to describe this film in one word it would be 'captivating'. On the surface it is a tranquil portrait of a purposeful man, at the core it is a film about the passage of time and how it eventually comes to embrace all of us.

Popular reviews

  • Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris

    Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris


    The rating is not necessarily meant for for the filmmakers' cinematic prowess. However, their arrogant stance towards James Baldwin and his life's work as well as their domineering approach towards documentary filmmaking, make it into a good instance of meta-textual critique.

  • Pulse



    An eerily beautiful work of existential horror. Made in 2001, this is film harbours the incredible foresight that any iconic horror film should strive for. Made in a time when techno-optimism was still prevalent and the Internet was seen a place of connection. Pulse is especially striking now as the collective becomes more and more aware of how the Internet is becoming a graveyard in which the data of the dead will soon outnumber that of the living.
