Too many ways to be a director......
Only one way to be a no.1 director, be yourself.
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Cat Daddies 2022
第一季InDPanda電影節,除了«聖筊»,另一選映的是一齣紀錄片«九個貓爸爸»,對於作為喜歡看紀錄片的我來說,真的非常沉悶!原以為電影會說有關男士養貓的性別定型,結果Daddies變得不重要,只是剛好找了9個有養貓的男人與貓相遇的故事。唯一值得拓展的是患病的David Giovanni 與貓貓Lucky的故事,其他也只是商業紀錄片該有的內容,如果將每個人物都剪作單元故事放上YouTube,應該有不錯點擊率。兩粒星是給貓貓的😻
The first season of the InDPanda international film festival apart from "Wishful Syncing", it comes with "Cat Daddies". As I am a doco lover, I really found this film extremely dull. I originally thought the film is about the stereotype of men raising cats but it turns out it's a series of cat and man story. The only story that catch my eyeballs and have the potential to extend beyond this documentary is Lucky the cat and…
Wishful Syncing 2022
The future big director invited me to the InDPanda independent film festival. The very first movie of the night is "wishful syncing", a love-comedy. We can discover director's storytelling skills from the editing. A simple story of a boy being insensitive to his companion and love but with the aid of magic tool, it finally resolves the problem and understand how to love a person. Characters of the roles in the film are unique and differentiate each others which…
Boxcar Bertha 1972
沒有計劃去看電影的一天,選中大導馬田史高西斯早期作品«列車女賊»(雖說沒有計劃,但當然選擇在戲院看大導的作品),屬於「歐洲女神 • 美國烈女」的選片。這次了解到電影的類型屬於「剝削電影」,也是我第一次聽到,類似B片,但除拳頭和枕頭,故事也要加入時評的內容。自己其實未曾開始觀看導演的作品,因為總覺自己未準備好,視野仍是狹窄,怕浪費了各齣好戲。但現在可以來一個Taxi Driver.
I watched Martin Scorsese's early film - "Boxcar Bertha" in the "Fest of Belles and Queens". I learnt that this film is a genre called "exploitation film", similar to B class film, both include sex and action but in addition of news and news. I have never watched any film by Scosese before, because I had not been prepared myself in both the vision and cultural sense, worrying about wasting those good creations.
Arrest the Restless 1992
為了預備翁子光執導的«風再起時»作準備,來到第二套探長系列-«藍江傳» 由向華強飾演藍江,加入張國榮演飛仔的配角,故事完整,每人皆見動機。
My journey on watching HK detective series, comes to "Arrest the Restless", exploring the story of Detective Lam and the vague relationship with a young gang. The story is whole because everyone has a clear motivation.