“Spooky radiation zombies… and Miles Teller.”
- T.S. Elliott (probably)
I mean I guess I was entertained. That’s mostly all I can say outside of Anya Taylor Joy having me down bad.
Still trying to decipher what the point was that this movie was so obviously trying to make. The setting and brutal shots felt way too brash for there not to be one.
This movie made no clear implication on the message it desired to portray.
Is it about the tension in America over political issues? No? Is it a warning over the danger of lionizing the media? Maybe? Or maybe it’s trying an “All Quiet on the Western Front” move,…
Costume design and cinematography were great and Timothee Chalamet played the lead role with the right amount of liveliness. The movie as a full was a colorful as it promised and plenty entertaining, despite the choppy pacing.
Hardly felt like it had any connection to the original movie, besides the Oompa Loompa. That’s all.
Don’t know why people don't talk about this movie more. This movie was stunning visually. It didn’t try to be much more than eccentric and fun, a goal which it hit the nail on the head.