Hilarious and awkward and hilarious
“I’m going to pop a cap in his ass”
It's hard for me not to compare this to Call Me By Your Name, both being personally moving and titular pieces of recent gay cinema. Having read some of Aciman's work recently, the love he writes plays out like a well thought-out chess match where every sentence has two meanings. As to CMBYN, I don't know if the chess of that love is as fully realised as it is with Portrait of a Lady on Fire. The lines and readings…
In the end, we’re all just meat. What always was always is. Endlessly and tirelessly we work, and for what? A tasty sauce? A big fat juicy steak? What are the fruits of our labor when the fruit runs out? What even, is the point of all this? Is what defines us just a sequence of memories in someone else’s head? When we die, what becomes of us? When our memories are forgotten and our bodies rotten, what becomes of…