Joshy Correll

Joshy Correll Pro

Just an empath trying to get their next fix.

Favorite films

  • Educating Rita
  • The Brutalist
  • My Neighbors the Yamadas
  • Flow

Recent activity

  • The Cabin in the Woods

  • Music by John Williams

  • The Harder They Fall

  • My Darling Clementine

Recent reviews

  • Go West

    Go West


  • Music by John Williams

    Music by John Williams

    The two notes of the Jaws theme are an overwhelming argument for Williams being one of the greats. Not to mention everything else.

Popular reviews

  • The Truck Farmer

    The Truck Farmer

    Narrator: But there's an additional problem with Texas...
    Tom Servo: Yeah, Texans.

    One of my favorite lines.

  • Boyhood



    The second time through Boyhood felt like a step down from the first. It certainly is not a bad movie, and I see why everybody likes this film. The process of seeing Mason grow up before our eyes is quite a neat trick, unlike anything seen in cinema before. But the story itself is somewhat blah. The older Mason gets, the more stilted and affected Ellar Coltrane's performance seems to get. It maybe partly because as he gets older Linklater…