Nolan J

Nolan J

Favorite films

  • The Wind Rises
  • The Hunt
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • Cure

Recent activity

  • The Vanishing


  • The Substance


  • The Idiots


  • I Saw the Devil


Recent reviews

  • The Vanishing

    The Vanishing


    This is a late review as I’m trying to catch up reviewing so many movies 😅

    The plot is rather plain but I found it shockingly suspenseful. It slowly submerges you deeper and deeper into the dark until its final scene captivates you with such existential dread. I left this movie feeling so void of feeling and I unlocked some new fears.

    Let me add that part of what makes this movie so dreadful is the idea that people like…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    interesting flick 

    imma have to sit on this one for a bit but ehhhh not my cup of tea. Movie had some good shots but was a bit predictable.

Popular reviews

  • City of God

    City of God


    Movie movie movie 

    Watched this one late at night with my brother and his wife in their small cozy apartment. It was a nice place to watch a movie. We spent almost 30 minutes trying to find the remote before the film and I could have swore it was gone for good. 


    I enjoyed the perspective this film brought. We often see films, music, or other media depict the “ghetto” in America while this showed it more from a 3rd…

  • The Idiots

    The Idiots


    not really sure i understand this one.

    almost seems like some critique of societal conformity but to rebel by pretending to be retarded is crazy. 

    I didn’t really understand that until the last 10 minutes when they decided to see who was really about it and let me just say, it sucks that Karen was really about it 😭
