A creepy old guy that lives in an old gas station and tells teenagers turn back!
Profile Picture is Poltergeist
Me and my buddy are gonna work in a bakery and we’re gonna give folks free spoons of honey and milk alternatives. Then after work we’re gonna lay around on the beach and swim in the ocean and everything’s gonna be A ok!
One day when I make lots of money I’m going to buy a giant cinema tv screen with fancy speakers, and I’m going to buy this on dvd. To watch this on big screen with good sound would be so special.
I feel so sad. The ending was happy and I’m happy for those little guys, they found belonging and learned love.
But I can’t help but relate it to our real world. We have no wild robot who’s gonna fix things from the inside for us. We’re not working together as a team like those guys, not even a little bit.
I know it’s kinda childish to be like watch this movie, we can fix our world. But movies do…
This film has really awesome sets & world building but in the words of my buddy “they refuse to do anything interesting with the camera”…they also in my own words, refuse to do anything interesting at all.
The dialogue is awkward and the scenes jump around too quickly, the plot is boring and it is overall not a very good film. I still had fun, but I’m real easy.
Anakin has an uncomfortable lack of game. I love the guy but a dead pan rant about a fascist regime is never the move.