100% Taiwanese 🇹🇼
#1 The Neon Demon fan.
Currently reading Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.
Every time I watch this film I'm always blown away by how sad this film is. I'll forever go to bat for this film as Scorsese's best gangster film; better than Mean Streets, better than Goodfellas, better than Casino, etc. What always sticks out to me is the little pop-up text freeze frames that come up whenever Scorsese introduces a new character and immediately tells us how that person died. It's funny on first watch but it's almost frightening how…
There's a scene in this film where some guys cook pancakes and they're out of maple syrup or some shit so they pour dish soap all over it and start eating it. Not saying Harmony Korine is some misunderstood genius, but only he could have predicted the tide pod challenge. A true prophet.
It's so hilarious to me that this is on the Criterion Channel. I thought Korine had sobered up by the time he made this. Even at 78 minutes this feels kind of one-note by the 45-minute mark though. Wish he had the trash humpers do even stupider shit.
Whenever some idiot on Twitter posts a movie they made entirely on AI and calls it the future of filmmaking, they always get roasted in the comments section, and rightly so. Therefore, I don't think Harmony Korine deserves any leeway for extensively using AI for his most recent film. I love a lot of Korine films and it's great that he got to make this one-of-a-kind film, but this is barely a movie. Could barely sit through this. I would literally rather watch Gummo 2 or some shit.
A lot less gory and interesting than I would have wanted from Italian horror. At the same time, through no fault of the film, I watched the first twenty minutes of this film last week thinking I'd just finish it the next day, but ended up getting absolutely destroyed by work so I wasn't able to actually finish the rest of the film until today. Maybe I need to revisit this down the line.
Bruh fuck Celine Song and fuck this movie I don't have time in my life to emotionally process this right now