Jack Hadaway-Weller

Jack Hadaway-Weller Pro

Favorite films

  • Children of Men
  • Fargo
  • Ex Machina
  • Up

Recent activity

  • Dante's Peak


  • Predator


  • Life


  • Spell


Recent reviews

  • Life



    I know the plot isn't particularly original and the characters are quite flat but there's something about Life which I really enjoy.

    It feels quite pacey and lean once it gets up and running and I enjoy the relentlessness of the captured alien although its design feels a bit odd.

    Life won't blow your socks off but it's an enjoyable if formulaic watch.

  • A Banquet

    A Banquet


    An unpleasant time which doesn't really go anywhere. The cast deliver some good performances but there's not much for them to do apart from mope around and shout at each other.

Popular reviews

  • Stage Fright

    Stage Fright


    Once the spree starts, it’s a hell of a ride

    Quite creepy for a campy slasher

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Very funny and warm with Mark Ruffalo cracking me up every time he is on screen.

    Mickey 17 perhaps doesn’t have the darkness which some people hope for from director Bong but it’s a really great time.