John Jack

John Jack Patron

My review scores skew high; I like most things I watch. Glass half full and all that. I want to add musical numbers to everything.

Favorite films

  • The Young Girls of Rochefort
  • All That Jazz
  • Jaws
  • Beau Travail

Recent activity

  • Angels with Dirty Faces


  • The Great Alligator


  • Sex Is Crazy


  • The Diabolical Dr. Z


Recent reviews

  • Angels with Dirty Faces

    Angels with Dirty Faces


    "Let's go and say a prayer for a boy who couldn't run as fast as me."

    I have to confess, Angels With Dirty Faces was not what I was expecting. I went in thinking there would Tommy Guns blazing and James Cagney playing some kind of unhinged lunatic. But instead it is a thoughtful (if at times overly didactic) rumination on how our lives are a mix of choices and luck - how one small difference can ripple out into…

  • The Great Alligator

    The Great Alligator


    The obvious point of comparison is Killer Crocodile - and while Killer Crocodile admittedly has more Killer Croc action, I prefer Sergio Martino's The Great Alligator by a little bit. Yes, the rubber toy Alligator looks dumb as hell, but everything else about The Great Alligator looks quite good. What it lacks in gore and on-screen gator-chomping it makes up for in its clever set-pieces (the "over the fence" and van scenes come to mind), genuinely effective tension build-ups (even…

Popular reviews

  • Sex Is Crazy

    Sex Is Crazy


    The porn parody to end all porn parodies.

    And definitely the dirtiest movie I've ever seen in a theater. A ton of fun - delightful that Jess Franco decided to inject this much experimentation and humor into what is essentially a sci-fi porno inside a movie inside a dirty dream inside another porno inside a movie (I think that's vaguely how it works out).

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    "I can feel when you're watching me"
    "I like it"

    Soderbergh at his best, and playing in my favorite conceptual sandbox - I can't help but love it. So precise and efficient, and yet also so aware of the inherent contradictions of its emotional core. Black Bag is a tonal and technical masterwork - seeming to effortlessly capture both the act of seeing and being seen, the playful blurriness between truth and lie when both parties are in on the game, the inherent repressed eroticism of professionalism, and the conflicting fantasies of total privacy and total vulnerability.

    I desperately want to watch it again.