Justin 🏳️‍🌈

Justin 🏳️‍🌈 Pro

Star Ratings
* - Hated It
** - It was OK
*** - Liked It
**** - Loved It
***** - Amazing!

Favorite films

  • Dazed and Confused
  • Almost Famous
  • Good Morning
  • Kiki's Delivery Service

Recent activity

  • Drive


  • Pepi, Luci, Bom


  • The Hitcher


  • Companion


Recent reviews

  • Drive



    The old 'odd couple' trope. This one is loads of fun, great action sequences, excellent choreography and just enough humour to be funny but not be annoying. I'm really glad that picked this one up and watched it without knowing anything about it.


  • Pepi, Luci, Bom

    Pepi, Luci, Bom


    Those guys get the wrong idea. I'm not old-fashioned. They can touch my belly button. But that's it.

Popular reviews

  • Come Undone

    Come Undone


    I don't remember this one being so sad. The story of boy meets boy, and one of those boys gets a bout of heavy depression. Told in a flash back to the summer before from Mathieu's hospital bed, remembering how he met Cedric, began a whirlwind relationship and then left his family to go and live with the boy.

    We never find out what happened in the year he lived with Cedric, or what made him end up in a hospital, which can be quite frustrating, but otherwise an enjoyable, slow french drama about 2 boys in love.

  • Red State

    Red State


    Kevin Smith Project session 10

    Joseph Keenan: People just do the strangest things when they believe they're entitled. But they do even stranger things when they just plain believe.

    After the dreadful Cop Out comes Red State, the film you didn't think Kevin Smith had in him, everything about this film is right, John Goodman is insanely good, Michael Parks is even better!

    It's not an easy film to watch, it's very intense, I felt very uncomfortable during the sermon…