I watched this as a teenager and absolutely hated it. More than 10 years later I cried at the ending!
"Once more into the fray,
Into the last good fight I'll ever know.
Live and die on this day,
Live and die on this day."
This movie got a lot of hate, however I really liked it. I could've wanted more intrigue, and less shock value (Not the period blood scene, that was great). Barry Keogan and those 'panther eyes'. He looks like a predator ready to pounce its prey, while also looking young and innocent... what a guy right?
After this I watched 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' and you can say Saltburn is a knock off of it, but I actually preferred Saltburn.
Was the ending obvious? Absolutely!
Was that dance something I would do in that case? You bet your sweet ass I would!!!