Great performance by Culkin. Sad and profound at times.
P.S Zurek is a nice soup but I agree with Eisenberg not the best.
Great performance by Culkin. Sad and profound at times.
P.S Zurek is a nice soup but I agree with Eisenberg not the best.
For an avid British Comedy fan the cameos alone made me smile.
Chamelet does a good job as Wonka, he’s no Gene Wilder but to be fair that’s like comparing Apples and Kazoos.
Better then Depps go at the titular Chocolate maker. Fun songs and a big talented cast that find the good balance of campy and fun.
A great Wes Anderson film. All the usual bells and whistles. A cast that just keeps getting better. Steve Carrell’s hotel manager role alone could be a mini film.
Question is What is your Juice preference? Apple Orange or Tomato.