Joey Columbo

Joey Columbo

Hear my thoughts on cinema and more on The Horror Mafia Podcast and Slice & Dice Dreadcast

Favorite films

  • Phantasm
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • The Evil Dead
  • Return of the Jedi

Recent activity

  • Stand by Me


  • Ralph Breaks the Internet


  • In & Out


  • Abducted in Plain Sight


Recent reviews

  • Green Room

    Green Room


    Those of you that read my reviews know I love going into a film knowing as minimal as possible. I try not to give too much away in the reviews I write, and rather focus on some positive and/or negative aspects without spoiling, marginally. Going into Jeremy Saulnier’s latest film, Green Room, all I knew was a punk rock band gets involved with a shady concert venue owner, portrayed by Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself, Patrick Stewart. For some reason, I…

  • The Other Side of the Door

    The Other Side of the Door


    When you begin to lose care for the characters in a story, something is wrong. What’s the problem? It could be on various degrees and levels. Sometimes just a simple scene may need to be cut; sometimes more drastic measures must be taken. When you begin to take a rain check, it is a tell-tale sign for weak storytelling. The bonds forged with several characters are now broken, and you may experience betrayal and ill feelings toward the filmmakers. The…

Popular reviews

  • The God Inside My Ear

    The God Inside My Ear


    When watching a film, one’s expectations and cinematic pleasure receptors are subjective. Of course there are technicalities, which would deem certain films as masterpieces; if the cinematography and other production values line up properly, there’s no denying a critical success. But ultimately, the eye of the beholder, so to speak, is brought on a visual journey by the creator(s). At this point in the experience, accolades can get thrown out the door. This is the precise moment during the movie’s…

  • Lifechanger



    After watching this complex character border the antihero trope, neither being a full-on protagonist or antagonist, I don’t know how I feel about Drew. The character at times can warm your heart, and then in an instant turn your blood ice cold. Just imagine survival consisted of having to literally suck the life from someone and leave his or her withered corpse behind, looking mummified and unrecognizable. And yes, Drew jumps from both men and women’s bodies, adding for some…
