Joe Smith

Joe Smith Pro

I should be watching "better" movies. I try. But Tubi calls.

Favorite films

  • Slugs
  • Cursed
  • Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor
  • The Devil Conspiracy

Recent activity

  • Vice Academy

  • Vice Squad

  • The Accountant

  • Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

Recent reviews

  • Vice Academy

    Vice Academy

    I read the plot of Vice Academy 5 and thought that I REALLY need to see that. Having not seen any of the VA movies I jumped in head first so I can work my way there.
    I've made a huge mistake

  • Vice Squad

    Vice Squad

    If you don't know what you're getting into with this one you'll figure out pretty quickly that you're about to take a slow trip down a river of neon slime. This was weird and sleazy. Glad I'm up to date on my TDAP as I feel like I may have caught something watching this

Popular reviews

  • Universal Soldier: The Return

    Universal Soldier: The Return


    They say 1999 was one of the best years for movies in general. Universal Soldier: The Return is living proof that even the lowest of the "bar" can also be so freaking good. This one has it all.
    Universal Soldiers.
    A SUPER Universal Soldier.
    The return of JCVD as just a regular dude with no explanation of HOW he is no longer a Universal Soldier who now has a daughter and a dead wife.
    Topless strippers in a strip club…

  • Grand Theft Hamlet

    Grand Theft Hamlet

    Quite a fun and watchable production of Hamlet that really, really makes me want to pull an elaborate heist.