Joe DiBella

Joe DiBella

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Scream
  • The 'Burbs

Recent activity

  • She Freak


  • Touch of Death


  • Prince of Broadway


  • Central Park


Recent reviews

  • She Freak

    She Freak


    Carnival vibes

  • Touch of Death

    Touch of Death


    Fulci’s bizarre thriller/comedy. Some really crazy stuff in here but hacking up a dead woman with a chainsaw while listening to weird carousel music will always get you a few stars from me

Popular reviews

  • Tom & Jerry

    Tom & Jerry


    So many opportunities to have had Colin Jost get smashed in the face with something heavy and they didn’t take them. Bummer

  • Black Adam

    Black Adam

    A few things:

    1. Before the movie I was by the concession stand and I watched a normal looking woman purchase some soft pretzel bites, walk over to the popcorn butter dispenser, and just absolutely DRENCH them. Talking floating in a pool of that shit. Other people saw this and were just as stunned as I was. Wild scene.

    2. This movie is absolutely awful. It’s so boring and filled with every superhero movie cliche (right down to the group…
