24 | Aus
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries
Wayyyyy better than I imagined it being. Always thought that the wire heist scene looked completely full of itself. But it was great! I understand and have made peace with it…..
Nowhere near as bad as I was thinking, though most of the action is just blatantly ripping off The Matrix. It’s sort of charmingly bad, but still alright for action schlock? I’m not sure.
Although what the actual fuck was going on in the car racing scene. Genuinely not sure how they thought yeah this is great! I also sort of hate that it’s all about the girl. Will he save the girl? Is she going to live? Give Thandee something to do. In the last 25mins, it’s legit a race to stop her from topping herself. Wtf
Pretty cool it was set in Aus though