Joe Stone

Joe Stone Patron

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Paterson
  • Sherlock Jr.
  • Shoplifters

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Spy Hard


  • Je Tu Il Elle


  • Factory Farmed


Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Fairly slight but nicely zippy and effective, and I just love the fact that Stephen Soderbergh is out there playing with whatever genre takes his pick this month and making lean, fun, good looking movies.

  • Spy Hard

    Spy Hard


    Pretty bad and very stupid, but I’ll admit it made me laugh a couple of times.

Popular reviews

  • Grand Theft Hamlet

    Grand Theft Hamlet


    Lots of fun, but falls down a bit when it tries to have more emotional, naturalistic moments which seem quite contrived and scripted rather than sincere. But the actual Hamlet stuff is great and the whole idea and production is wonderful.

    ParTeb for best supporting actor.

  • Empire of Light

    Empire of Light


    It seems a lot like this film plagiarises large chunks of Katriona Chapman’s excellent graphic novel Breakwater, but makes it worse by shoehorning in a subplot that explains racism is, in fact, bad.

    Two stars for the cinematography and Olivia Coleman’s performance though.