

Any movie with snow is a Christmas movie

Favorite films

  • Drive
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Alien
  • In Bruges

Recent activity

  • Heretic


  • The Grand Budapest Hotel


  • In Bruges


  • The Departed


Recent reviews

  • Saint Maud

    Saint Maud


    A slow-burn psychodrama that rewards its viewer's patience with a final 10-15 minutes truly worthy of the term 'badass.'

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


    Might be the most rewatchable animated/superhero film of all-time. Perfect in every way.

Popular reviews

  • Videodrome



    There's a lot to unpack here for only a 90-minute runtime. Bewildering and deliciously weird, so much of this film reminds me of an acid trip gone wrong. I've had this one on my list for years now, and while I regret not watching it sooner, a hefty portion of its brilliance may not have landed the same without its musings on the role technology plays in our society having proven premonitory. Though it undoubtedly isn't for everyone, Videodrome is nothing short of a sci-fi masterpiece.

  • El Infierno

    El Infierno


    A highly entertaining and criminally underviewed black comedy crime drama that grabs ahold of you early on and never let's go. Easily one of my favorite films to come out of Mexico for some time. How this managed to fly under the radar for so long I'm not quite sure.