Joey Strain

Joey Strain Pro

Silly goofy guy who watches too many movies.

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Rushmore
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Repo Man

Recent activity

  • To Live and Die in L.A.


  • Sleep


  • The Monkey


  • Mona Lisa Smile


Recent reviews

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey



  • Twilight




Popular reviews

  • MaXXXine



    Kind of just a big heaping pile of stuff.  Barrages of ideas, homages, and nostalgia dumps. Lacks the humor and horror of both its predecessors. 

    Ti West masterfully brings to life not only the visual style of 1980s horror cinema, but also all of the most eye roll inducing, obnoxious and tired
    tropes it had to offer. If his goal was to perfectly recreate a bad, underdeveloped, over ambitious 80’s movie, he succeeded A+

    Maxine is an unlikable, unfeeling protagonist who…

  • Longlegs



    Immediately beloved by yours truly. Stunning stuff. Truly a masterfully paced, dread inducing nightmare of a watch. Could talk about it all night. 

    Stylish, smart, mysterious, beyond creepy, and even some surprisingly comedic moments. 

    Multiple sequences gave me full bodied chills.
    Will be rewatching for the rest of my days. Instant classic in my book. 

    Nicholas Cage’s performance was truly unhinged and borderline over the top, but to the perfect degree, he made me extremely uncomfortable, yet I was occasionally smiling at just how incredible it was to experience that character. 

    L O N G L E G S
