
johnkuzee Patron

Favorite films

  • Heat
  • Lost Highway
  • Memories of Murder
  • Psycho

Recent activity

  • Meshes of the Afternoon

  • Twisters


  • Blade Runner


  • Flow


Recent reviews

  • Meshes of the Afternoon

    Meshes of the Afternoon

    so trippy, its so haunting, that final shot... god damn.

    surrealist film is slowly becoming my favorite style of films to watch. this film is so dreamy, so many nice shots, it leaves you with a feeling of confusion, it has so much symbolism and themes that you yourself must interpret, it feels very isolated, it feels even more panicky, yet also feels calming? as you watch this you will find your self slowly starting to drift into the dreamscape maya deren and alexandr hackenschmied create.

  • Twisters



    so much better than the original. just capture the vibe of a disaster film so incredibly well. genuine emotion, stakes, fun and interesting characters.

    daisy edgar jones is amazing in this, glenn powell is charismatic as ever, loved anthony ramos too.

    also me and my homie watched this when there was unironically an insane wind "advisory" earlier. we didn't even realize the connection until like mid way through.

    had a great time with this.

Popular reviews

  • Attack on Titan: Chronicle

    Attack on Titan: Chronicle

    I've finally finished it. I've finally finished one of the greatest fictional stories ever put to paper, screen etc... It took years but its finally done and I feel... satisfied. The plot is so creative and one of a kind. The writing is filled with so many beautiful and raw moments as well as some of the coldest and most epic moments in the history of anything. The plot twists in this show are so fucking great and they shock…

  • Stalker



    this is filmed to absolute perfection. the long shots stuck for so long and create such an atmosphere. Tarkovsky was truly a god at this movie stuff, not a singular frame was put to waste.  

    I love how this film is so rich with philosophical ideas pertaining to desire and the meaning of life. Questions like... What are our true intrinsic desires? are those desires pure? Are our desires born of greed, envy, power, lust, anger... or are they…