John Lees

John Lees Pro

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • The Dark Knight
  • Aliens
  • The Silence of the Lambs

Recent activity

  • Knightriders


  • The Conversation


  • The French Connection


  • Escape from Sobibor


Pinned reviews

  • Possession



    I think most people who start digging into the notorious “Video Nasties” list of horror films at one point banned in the UK do so because, on some level, they are searching for something. If you’re this far down the rabbit hole, odds are you’ve seen the most famous canon classics, and now you’re looking for hidden treasure. Something dark and forbidden, something truly frightening on a level to emulate the scares you got from your formative horror films or…

  • Ran



    Given what a big fan of Akira Kurosawa I’ve become over the past few years, it might be odd to suggest that I’d be surprised by how much I love one of his films. And yet that is the case with RAN. I’ve had the Blu-Ray sitting unwatched for a couple of years now, a film with too hefty a runtime for me to find a spare chunk of time to devote to it. And I wasn’t overly compelled to…

Recent reviews

  • Knightriders



    KNIGHTIDERS is way overlong, and I don't know if I entirely vibed with it. And yet, I can't help but feel a great admiration for what is so clearly a passion project for George A. Romero, a deeply eccentric work of utter earnest commitment. The guy uses all the clout he acquired from making a couple of the most influential horror films of all time in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and DAWN OF THE DEAD to make a gonzo…

  • The Conversation

    The Conversation


    I was greatly saddened to hear of the passing of legendary actor Gene Hackman. And it feels like a fitting tribute to finally get around to watching one of his most acclaimed performances in THE CONVERSATION, a film I’ve wanted to see for many years. This is the film Francis Ford Coppola made between THE GODFATHER and its sequel, with this incredibly being released in the same year as THE GODFATHER PART II. When you remember he then followed that…

Popular reviews

  • East Is East

    East Is East


    EAST OF EAST remains uneasy viewing for me.  The first half is glorious, a sweet, heartfelt, and most importantly, riotously funny account of a Muslim family living in 1970s Manchester.  The film frequently had me laughing out loud.  

    But the problem I've always had with it is that weird tone change halfway through.  It bothered me when I first saw the film shortly after its release, and it still bothers me now.  Not necessarily the tone change itself, where…

  • Fantastic Four

    Fantastic Four


    With all the negativity surrounding the production from the earliest stages, I went into FANTASTIC FOUR hoping for a triumph over the odds. And in a perverse way, I guess it is, but not in the manner I'd hoped. See, with all the intense negativity surrounding this production from even the early stages, if there was one thing I didn't imagine would be possible, it was that FANTASTIC FOUR could possibly disappoint me. And yet, somehow, it did.

    I'll try…