Abbie’s pick
George’s Pick
Awesome movie!
Reading Flannery O’Connor really makes this movie so much freaking better. Her style of Southern Gothic HAS to be the main inspiration for this movie (other than the Odyssey).
High effort
Amazing scenery
Amazing music
The scene where Delmar rushes into the water to be baptized made me cry
The constant introduction of new characters is so cool
I know it’s just following the Odyssey, but the movie does drag on a little bit.
Legitimately one of the greatest movies of all time until the last 15-20 minutes. I love almost everything about this one and it cemented itself as new favorite.
Sarah’s pick
Unfunny British slags, back and forth plot, mehmehmememeeemeemeeeeee blagblag bad movie
Just pretty uninteresting. Not really a comedy. The only redeeming part of this is the romance, even that’s kind of weird