Cole Macoretta

Cole Macoretta

Favorite films

  • Pulp Fiction
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Inception
  • Taxi Driver

Recent activity

  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


  • Inland Empire


  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives


  • Lost in Translation


Recent reviews

  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


    “How is never as important as why”

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    Unbridled Lynchian surrealism bordering the absurd

    Art lives through the artist, who losses a part of themselves with each piece.

Popular reviews

  • The Iron Claw

    The Iron Claw


    A fine film about a father’s inability to prioritize family over his ambition, through the perspective of his second oldest son.

    Colour grading and soundtrack are fitting.

    The film posits fine themes but the uninspired writing and poor characterization prevent the film from delivering on its most emotionally impactful beats.

    I understand the intention of the ‘family curse’ but I think stronger characterization would have allowed the writer to play with the protagonist’s darkest moments

    the film also glossed over…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    It’s ironic that the most obnoxiously male gaze film is directed by a french woman

    No doubt that is the point of the film, it relentless beats the viewer over the head with its themes in the most uninteresting ways - I don’t know how this won Cannes best screenplay, it is intellectually devoid and problematic paint by numbers storytelling through the script’s midpoint

    Stylized sound design, elevated the grotesque and the comedic

    Some of the body horror elements are…