

i rate every movie 5/5 stars. making a movie is hard, they deserve it!

Favorite films

  • The Apartment
  • One Week
  • Killer of Sheep
  • Angel Heart

Recent activity

  • Deep Red


  • His Three Daughters


  • Sonic the Hedgehog 3

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2


Recent reviews

  • Deep Red

    Deep Red


    i don't know exactly how to articulate it, but i am very enamored with movies when just-a-guy investigates a crime and everybody acts like that's normal and right, because he is a guy. 'i would like to see this evidence, please, and also i would like to interview witnesses and touch everything.' 'why is that' 'i am a guy.' 'right this way sir'

    obviously stunningly grimy and beautiful, unbeatable soundtrack, cannot be beat. can't believe it took me this long to see it.

  • His Three Daughters

    His Three Daughters


    the first time an arizona iced tea has ever made me cry... but not the last

Popular reviews

  • Barber Westchester

    Barber Westchester


    squiggly, goopy, deeply emotionally affecting. jonni phillips has built a world and characters that feel deserted and sad and aggressive and pulsingly paranoid, but also full of life and funny and comforting and kind and richly emotional and human. i want to live in this world forever, but i can't, because i'm not squiggly enough

    amazing music amazing soundtrack amazing voice acting amazing singing amazing amazing

    also what a gd incredible control over the animated form... friggin... barber lookin back…

  • How to make an animated video (tutorial)

    How to make an animated video (tutorial)


    i recommend watching this while so sleep deprived you have lost the ability to perceive depth or use your hands
