

Favorite films

  • Nirvana the Band the Show
  • Green Porno
  • The Holdovers
  • Dazed and Confused

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  • Clueless

  • Anora

  • Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain

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Recent reviews

  • Clueless


    best movie in the entire world <3 never gets old !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anora


    for a movie that really laid Anora bare physically I'm not sure it really laid her bare enough emotionally, on the interior.

    what I did like though:
    -Mikey Madison's acting skills

    what I didn't like:
    -male gaze-y vibes (I'm sure unintentional), certain sex scenes - to be clear, I am NOT AGAINST SHOWING REAL, FULL-ON SEX IN MOVIES! das life baby. but not sure about how it was done in Anora, if anything all the moreso because of…

Popular reviews

  • Green Porno

    Green Porno


    absolutely stunningly brilliant. watched every single episode and also the interview with isabella rossellini on criterion channel. feminist biology is so fascinating, big fan. reminded me of this article i read for hw for an anthro class. need to go back and find it

    edit: wait am i the only person on letterboxd to have reviewed this????? have I won the letterboxd quirky pick me niche award????

  • Aftersun


    ok so i ACTUALLY watched it this time sorry for the fake news guys (andrew great news you DONT have to kill me! :D)
    so much to say here but lemme get my superficial little thoughts out first:
    god dammit this made me get the international travel itch again (i mean, it never truly left, but this really refueled it... but i'm broke) -- and this is i suppose a legitimately relevant little thing to say bc it certainly can…
