

“‘I’m always trying to get worse”
~ Yuno Miles

Favorite films

  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • Gummo
  • Shame
  • Jesus Camp

Recent activity

  • The King of Comedy


  • The Godfather


  • About Time


  • One of Them Days


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    So I’ll tell you why I’m writing my third negative review on this movie months after seeing it.

    Two months before this movie released, Los Alamos gave me job pamphlets at a career fair to apply as an industrial engineer.

    The pamphlet had absolutely no mention of war technology and only highlighted their beautiful scenic trails and uplifting work-life balance.

    I was qualified and invited into the first round of interviews, then they mentioned “defense contract work” with my position…

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez

    As someone who has lived near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico for nearly five years, I feel disgusted to give this movie even one star.

    I’ll give credit where the acting is due, some performances were impressive. But man this is one of the worst movies regarding commentary. 

    I’m not mad; I am immensely heartbroken to think of any victim of femicide having to experience this movie. And to see how it glorifies the perpetrator in such a perversive way is wildly…
