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top 4 changes every now and then
Did you really tell him "Anger begets greater anger"?
Oh... yes! I did! I didn't make it up myself though, I can't claim that. No, I read it on a bookmark... Which was in a book I was reading... About polio?
Genuinely exceptional performances from every single person here, it tackles dark and important themes whilst also being very funny and witty,the script is great and kept me fully engaged the whole way through, I do wished it went more in on those important themes, but still, very gripping, very funny, very good time !
Look what your brother did to the door! Ain't he got no pride in his home?
Family game night must go crazy in that house
This is an iconic and hugely important film, but I just do not enjoy it that much to be honest, mainly due to the absolute nothing burger characters
I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all of this.
Lovejoy? More like, Nolovenojoy, haha, Hockley? More like Cockley, hahaha, am I right? Jack Dawson? More like, Jack couldn't fit on the door son! Because it would've sank, haha, I...
this is a low point for my reviews
Dreadfully embarrassed mate.
Fucking woeful, painfully unfunny, constant one line quips to the camera that are just eye rollingly bad, there's a line in this that says, 'woking? is that where all the woke people are from?'. So that gives you an idea on the level of comedy this film is working at. The most miserable 90 minutes I've ever spent in the cinema. Not to mention the downright awful trans jokes, and the questionable morale of the story. And also, the word cunt isn't funny, you can't just say cunt 482 times and expect to get laughs.