New parent whose watchlist outpaces my watches.
Elementary teacher introducing the works of Miyazaki to the world, one class at a time.
Lives up to the hype and then-some. As twisted as it is magnificent, and hard not to foresee future viewings as equally rewarding to the viewer.
On the Mt. Rushmore of “Men would rather do ______ than go to therapy” movies.
As bad as it gets, but I did genuinely laugh when the big bad coffee chain was named “BuckStars.”
A tour-de-force if every there was one. Only Scorsese could make this work and get me to go along this insane ride of horrible people and enjoy it all for what it is. At first, I was annoyed that it didn’t seem to fully admonish Belfort and his gang, but by the end, it clearly does in its own way (and certainly more than the real world actually did).
Also, one of the first movies I put on the watchlist finally taken care of!