
Josh_Moniz Patron

Favorite films

  • The Return of the Living Dead
  • The Iron Claw
  • Spotlight
  • Dinner in America

Recent activity

  • Skinned Deep


  • The Wax Mask


  • The Loved Ones


  • Black Bag


Recent reviews

  • Skinned Deep

    Skinned Deep


    A family in a Goosebumps episode accidentally stumbles into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre as directed by David Lynch.

    Also, the main mutant’s beartrap jaw face, Brian running slanging dong while running buck naked through a city and Warwick Davis being a guy named Plates that just goes around hucking plates at everyone is phenomenal.

    (In terms of the separate So Bad It's Good rating, this is a 9/10 if you can vibe with it.)

    This spunky low-budget film manages to…

  • The Wax Mask

    The Wax Mask


    Listen! I'm a simple man - you put a rad skeleton into your movies that is actually kinda scary, I'm going to love it. And making it look like a rad variant of the Terminator's metal skeleton is even better.

    Another delightful spin on the House of Wax film, a subgenre that has a really high hit rate, that fits surprisingly well with the 80s/90s Italian horror sensibilities of high-art to convey absurdly creative plots, sleaze and gore in horror.…

Popular reviews

  • The Art of Self-Defense

    The Art of Self-Defense


    An EXTREMELY DARK comedy that keeps you laughing the whole time while actually having something full-throated to say about how deep toxic masculinity can go.

    Also, it's not gay bro if you do it during karate!

    Casey represents the sort of man I've seen over and over again - they want to be kind, have friends and accomplish something, but they were taught despicable ideas by their parents. Ideas that tell them 1.) that they are failures and unworthy of…

  • Megalopolis



    I admit I’m in the 1% here – I think Megalopolis is one of the best-made movies I've ever seen with a phenomenal artistic director.

    (If it was only visuals, I'ld give it 5 stars.)

    It is also one of the worst films I’ve ever seen because it’s a profoundly dumb script.

    It's like he’s doing a herculean job of trying to salvage a trash script, but the problem is he wrote it himself! The call is coming from inside…