Top 4: Shit I vibed with the most
I’m writing as I am crying and shaking of the emotions this beautiful movie has gave me.
This movie explores the relationship of a daughter trying to get to know his young broken father in a more mature level. There’s a lot of amazing poetic shots and other symbolic moments which makes this beautiful piece of film, one of the reasons I love movies.
The last 20 minutes of this film one of the most sentimental, heartbreaking, anxiety-inducing, and beautiful moments I have ever experienced seeing a film.
Thank you Charlotte Wells
After wanting to see this for such a long time I finally watched and i gotta say FUCK YEAH.
What an amazing fuckin film. John Carpenter is a genius for creating this masterpiece.
Incredible production value, the sets are amazing and in general the whole production design is just gorgeous. Glorious special effects, one of the few that genuinely left me disturbed af. They also left me speechless how fuckin good they looked. Really good ensemble cast with great performances…
Just goated tbh, adds the much more needed depth that some characters were dying to have in the original trilogy, and I’m not shitting on the original, but this just adds so much to these characters and elevates them, that’s makes u love and enjoyed them much more.
Really, apart from some editing and pacing issues, mostly in the first act that just didn’t let scenes breathe and were just rushing, and maybe some little misses with the character adaptations…
Despite all the discourse surrounding this film, if it is a faithful adaption, good interpretation or even if it’s a good film, which is pretty much a common discourse in Snyder films, i found this to be extremely refreshing and good.
The exploration of the spectrum between good and bad, morale, and principles and its rewards in superheroes lives.
O know they say watchmen it’s pretty much impossible to make a good adaptation or atleast difficult, but even though I…
That might just be the best animation film i’ve seen in my life.
I couldn’t believe the animation could get any better as it was already brilliant, but wow what these guys said fuck it, imma make the best animation in the history of cinema.
I was skeptical about the story as a plus two hours long animated film is something risky, but again they punch me in the stomach, kick me in the knee, spit in my face for…
HOLY, inject this shit to me veins. Fuck all that, this IS the best action film ever made.
I remember on my first watch being like yeah this was cool but nothing extraordinary, this has happened already two times to my dumbass, once again I was wrong.
Exhilarating, frenetic, over the top action with an incredible score, beautiful visuals, excellently paced. There’s not really anything else to say, i have no fuckin idea how George Miller made this shit but instead of questioning let’s just admire this triumph and achievement of a fuckin film.