I laughed a lot but it didn’t hit for me like other Bong rips do… I need to sit with this one
Still a super fun ride and some really unique experiences throughout. 4 bags of popcorn for now but I have an inking my rewatch rating will be higher
Borderline perfect comedy, it holds up in every way. “See you later Jobin” will never leave my head for as long as I live
Also this cast is ridiculously stacked. Every scene you’ll say “oh that guy is in this???” Even Hank Mardukas is in it…. Yea you heard me correctly
Also, nearly entirely certain this movie is the birthplace of the phrase “totes magotes” and it doesn’t get the credit it deserves for that…
And the soundtrack??? Stop it!!! I love this movie
There is nothing I want to experience more in my life than a hug from Aunt Lucy. That hug is cracked. Probably the coziest feeling on earth.
1st act: Corny but beautiful and whimsical kids movie - really thought “yea I don’t think this one is gonna make me cry”
2nd act: genuinely compelling action/thriller/mystery
3rd act: a masterclass in emotional, heartfelt brilliance. Cried. They got my ass again